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- Subject: Sauroids and Reptillians (2/4)
- Lines: 370
- "The most dramatic of the dragon models, however, is on the
- ridge of Ben Cruachan above the Pass of Brander. It overlooks
- Lock Awe (Note: The popular encyclopedia of mythology, 'THE
- MYTHOLOGY OF ALL RACES', contains a volume titled 'CELTIC
- MYTHOLOGY' which refers to a cavern called 'Cruachan' in Great
- Britain from which strange and frightening beasts were said to
- emerge over the centuries, creatures which would cause death a
- havoc to the residents of the countryside. Although it may be
- nothing more than a 'legend' could Cruachan cavern be connected
- to the 'Cruachan Ridge' just mentioned? - Branton). The Great
- Beast of Loch Awe (BEATHACH MOR LOCH ODHA) was celebrated in
- Celtic folklore.
- "...Oddly, no dragon models seem to have been found in
- Ireland. it is possible that they were levelled by early
- Christians. 'St. Patrick may have struck a more subtle and
- fundamental blow at paganism than is generally realized when be
- banished the serpents from Ireland,' comments Dr. Anne Ross.
- With this I entirely agree.
- "Place-names suggest a relationship with the old dragon
- cult. 'I went round the whole of Ireland until I found the girl
- at Loch Bel Dragon at CROTTA CLIACH,' says an unknown eighth-
- century author. The modern name for this lake in the Galtee
- Mountains is Loch Curra. The word 'Bel' is a reference to the
- Babylonian god Bel-Marduk. The Scots seem to have changed it to
- 'Bill', the name they used for a bull. As recently as 200 years
- ago it was customary to sacrifice a bull on 25 August, on the
- isle of Inishmaree, to the dragons in Lough Maree. So the idea
- must have been well-rooted.
- "How and when the religion of the dragon...crossed to
- America is not known. Quite the best dragon-simulation is the
- earthwork at Peebles, Ohio. The ground-plan of this structure
- with its thin neck, bulky frontal portion and coiling eel-like
- tail is a good representation of the phenomena that appear in
- lochs. So it looks as if someone, somewhere, had a really gook
- look at a specimen.
- "The centre of activity of the culture seems to have been at
- the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. It was in
- this area that Marquette, a missionary-explorer, found
- petroglyphs of dragons on a bluff in 1675. He appears to have
- named the bluff 'Piasa Rock' or 'Piast Rock' (Rock of the Pest).
- The dragons, painted in red, black and green, were the objects of
- worship by the Indians. The bluff was near the present town of
- Alton. Unfortunately, the face of the rock was quarried away in
- 1846-47 and the only trace of the dragons are the illustrations
- in a rather rare German book.
- "These Illinois dragons had slightly Chinese features. You
- would have to march a long way into the hinterland of art forms
- to find a more unlikely combination than a pair of Chinese
- dragons painted by Amerinds which were given the Latin name
- 'Piast' by a French priest.
- "However, it doesn't seem to be very likely that the
- Amerinds, as a whole, were much given to dragon-worship. Rather
- the reverse...
- "Monsters and U.F.O's are no longer observed solely in the
- isolation of lonely communities. People are becoming aware.
- "...The American Indian doesn't need a Condon Report to tell
- him about U.F.O.s. He needs only to look at the history of his
- people.
- "The question arises: does dragon-worship still go on?
- "Britain's best-known Satanist was the late Aleister
- Crowley. At the end of the last century he bought Boleskine
- House on Loch Ness and started signing his letter 'The Great
- Beast'. This was years before the WORLD heard about Loch Ness
- monsters. Crowley than came into contact with the ideas of Dr.
- John Dee.
- "Dee lived in Wales during the sixteenth century. He was an
- occultist (and) Queen Elizabeth I consulted him over all her
- major decisions.
- "...In spite of everything, the universe is one and hydrogen
- atoms dance on Mars and Venus just as they dance on earth.
- Although it now seems that Satan and his dragons really do exist,
- we are already beginning to perceive dimly that they are actually
- components of a much greater reality extending through
- unthinkable gulfs of time and space.
- "...dragon phenomena, although apparently objective in
- nature, can be demonstrated only to the extent that U.F.O.
- phenomena can be demonstrated. That is to say, both can be
- occasionally photographed at a distance, both yield returns using
- sonar and radar respectively, yet neither leave behind any
- material analysis (Some would argue with that however, and state
- that in MOST cases when such hard 'evidence' surfaces it is
- immediately apprehended by officials and given the highest
- secrecy classification - Branton). The U.F.O., as we have seen,
- can actually disappear while under observation in the manner of
- an apparition. Whether dragons can do so also must remain a
- possibility until we know more about the real nature of these
- strange happenings."
- Drawing some links between traditional supernatural or
- 'paranormal' phenomena, Mr. Holiday relates the following
- experience:
- "On 7 October 1965, Annabelle Randall was driving her
- fiance, John Plowman, back to his home near Warminster (England).
- At 11:30 p.m. they approached a railway bridge near Heytesbury,
- Wiltshire, where several FATAL ACCIDENTS have occurred.
- "As the car approached the bridge they saw a sprawled
- [creature] lying with its legs and feet on the road. Miss
- Randall managed to avoid them and stopped. It was found that the
- figure had vanished. A search of the road, the bridge and the
- surrounding area failed to reveal any trace.
- "About 12:25 a.m. the girl set off alone on the return
- journey. Near the same bridge she saw a bright orange glow
- against an embankment. She described it as a 'large orange ball'
- which suddenly shot across the road and took off into the sky.
- "Simultaneously, she became aware of a second round object
- except thit this one was dark and stationary. And walking along
- the road towards her came two figures wearing tight-fitting dark
- clothes and some sort of headgear. From the thighs downwards
- they glistened as if wet. The car almost ran them down as the
- now frightened driver kept going at top speed till she reached
- town.
- "...From all this there is a case to be argued that monsters
- and U.F.O.s are in some way linked. Abnormal chains of causation
- tending to frustrate inquiry into the nature of the phenomena
- have been reported in both cases. John A. Keel, an American
- journalist who has been delving into the mystery for over thirty
- years, talks about a 'conspiracy'. He warned me: 'Proceed with
- great caution in your Loch Ness work. We are caught up in a
- series of games which must be played by "their" rules. Anyone
- who tries to invent his own rules, or breaks the basic pattern,
- soon loses his mind or even his life.' (This might apply in many
- instances, except of course in the case of those who are working
- for and 'on the side' of someone much 'greater' than the
- draconian forces apparently working behind much of the 'UFO' and
- 'creature' events - Branton). Those who think that this is
- dramatic and absurd may care to remember the words of St. John:
- "'And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire to come
- down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth
- them that dwell on the earth by THE MEANS of those miracles which
- he had power to do in the sight of the BEAST.'
- "'The beast' that performed these miracles was what the Jews
- called 'The Shining One', 'The Great Serpent' and 'Satan'. If
- this is the underlying truth of the phenomena then Keel's warning
- is by no means too strong."
- * * *
- (INPUT 004)
- In 'POPULAR SCIENCE', March 1990 issue, p. 24, we read of an
- apparently quite intelligent, predatory lizard which constantly
- walked upright on two legs in a remarkable human-like manner,
- counter balanced by a tail. This lizard, in fact, may have been
- the original ancestor of all the reptilian species throughout the
- world (and beyond?). If left to it's 'natural' course (of not so
- much 'evolution' as 'mutation') over the years, according to
- some paleontologists, a race of creatures such as described below
- might have through natural selection become more intelligent and
- 'hominoid' in nature, and as its brain and physical form
- developed, and it's limbs became stronger through 'survival of
- the fittest', the 'tails' of such a predatory race may have
- become atrophied. Anyway, this is what some scientists have
- theorized. But such creatures are long extinct, according to
- 'official' scientific knowledge. Because of this, they say, we
- need not worry about being threatened by such a race which, if
- they existed today, might be a formidable challenge to man's
- dominion of the planet. But 'what if' such a race did not become
- extinct for reasons we still have yet to answer, but instead
- 'disappeared' from the 'face' of the earth to 'somewhere else'.
- It's a scary thought, to say the least. According to 'POPULAR
- "The oldest known dinosaur, HERRERASAURUS... (was) a
- flyweight when compared with some of its ponderous descendants.
- HERRERASAURUS weighed perhaps 300 pounds and stretched a mere six
- to eight feet long. It had enormous claws and small forelimbs,
- showing that it spent much time ambling on two legs. It also has
- a peculiar, double-hinged jaw...that allowed it to clamp down on
- wriggling prey. And its teeth were finely serrated. These
- characteristics...clearly mark HERRERASAURUS as an active flesh
- eater.
- "The site of the fossil find (of remains of the saurian -
- Branton), the Ischigualasto Formation in northwestern Argentina,
- is the only area in the world where there are no gaps in the
- fossil record across the time zone being investigated."
- In reference to the discoveries made by researcher Paul
- Serano, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, who with
- colleague Alfredo Monetta discovered some remains of the bi-ped
- sauroid lizard near San Juan, Argentina, the article states:
- "Serano says that the very first dinosaur should have lived
- at the time of the rock layer containing HERRERASAURUS, but that
- climate and geological factors combined to keep any fossils from
- bring preserved there.
- "'We'll have to concentrate above and below that zone,' says
- Serano, 'Fortunately, those layers are very good. It's likely
- we'll be able to find more interesting fossils there.'
- "The paleontologist won the $500,000 Packard Foundation
- Award last October, which he says will enable him to continue on
- the track of dinosaurs."
- * * *
- (INPUT 005)
- In 1948, the SATURDAY EVENING POST published an article titled
- 'THERE COULD BE DINOSAURS.' Three men, the Belgian Bernard
- Heuvelmans, the Russian Boris Porchnev, and the American Ivan T.
- Sanderson, the article stated, had been involved in developing a
- strange science--cryptozoology--the search for animals whose
- existence 'established zoology' does not wish to acknowledge. At
- the time the article appeared it created something of a scandal.
- Sanderson, a notable zoologist, in later years retracted non of
- his assertions. The article states:
- "...A well-known South African big-game hunter, delighting
- in the name of Mr. F. Gobler, returned from a trip to Angola and
- announced to the Capetown newspaper, the CAPE ARGUS, that there
- was an animal of large dimensions, the description of which could
- only fit a dinosaur, dwelling in Dilolo Swamps, and well known to
- the natives as CHIPEKWE. He stated: 'Its weight would be about
- four tons AND IT ATTACKS rhino, hippo and elephants. Hunters
- AND TAIL OF A LIZARD. A German scientist has photographed it. I
- went to the swamp to search for it, but the natives told me it
- was extremely rare, and I could not locate the monster.
- Nevertheless I am convinced the CHIPEKWE does exist. Here is the
- photograph."
- This article produced a terrific outburst in the editorial
- and correspondence columns of the paper, both scientific and
- sporting, and all with much logical knowledge, agreed that it
- might exist. The fact that the descendants of the dinosaurs
- exist is not disputed, since alligators and crocodiles are known
- to be in this category. The question is, did the 'larger'
- reptiles survive or did they die-off when the enormous food
- supplies which they required disappeared? What about the smaller
- reptiles, those bi-pedal predators about human size or slightly
- larger which walked on two legs? Did they die out with their
- more massive counterparts for lack of 'food' as well? In 1920 a
- certain 'Monsieur Lepage' brought out of the Congo an account of
- an alleged creature which is believed to exist there. Unlike the
- reptilian beast which tribesman swore roamed the swamps of
- Angola, the Congo reptile described by Lepage seemed to be a
- plant-eater, through deadly nevertheless.
- Lepage returned from his hunting trip and announced that he
- had come upon an extraordinary animal of great size in a swamp.
- It had CHARGED him, making a snorting noise, and he had fired
- wildly but, seeing that the monster did not halt, he beat a hasty
- retreat. When the beast abandoned the chase Lepage turned and
- examined it through a pair of binoculars for a considerable
- period of time. He stated that the creature was eight meters, or
- about twenty-six feet, long, had a long pointed snout, a short
- horn above the nostrils and a scaly hump on its shoulders. The
- forefeet appeared to be solid, like those of a horse, but the
- hindfeet were separated into digits.
- Aside from this, a leader of a German expedition to the
- Cameroons in 1930 made a very interesting report which has never
- been published in full, although it has been quoted by several
- writers. In widely separated areas, the expedition leader
- collected descriptions of an alleged beast or beasts which went
- by the name MOKELE-MBEMBE, from experienced native guides who
- could not possibly have known each other.
- His description is as follows: "The animal is said to be of
- a brownish-gray color with a smooth skin, its size approximating
- that of an elephant; at least that of a hippopotamus. It is said
- to have a long and very flexible neck and only one tooth but a
- very long one; SOME SAY IT IS A HORN. A few spoke about a long
- muscular tail like that of an alligator.
- "Canoes coming near it are said to be doomed; the animal is
- said to attack the vessels at once and to kill the crews, but
- without eating the bodies. The creature is said to live IN CAVES
- that have been washed out by the river in the clay of its shores
- at sharp bends. It is said to climb the shore even in daytime in
- search of food; its diet is said to be entirely vegetable. This
- feature disagrees with a possible explanation as a myth. The
- preferred plant was shown to me; it is a kind of liana with white
- blossoms, with a milky sap and applelike fruits. At the Ssombo
- River I was shown a path said to have been made by the animal in
- order to get at its food. The path was fresh and there were
- plants of the described type near by. But since there were too
- many tracks of elephants, hippos, and other large mammals, it was
- impossible to make out a particular spoor with any amount of
- certainty."
- The now famous report of the late King Lewanika, of the
- Barotse tribe, seems to confirm the above description. This
- king, who took great interest in the fauna of his country,
- constantly heard of a large reptile that lived in the large
- swampy regions. He passed this information on to white men, but
- since few if any of them believed it, he gave strict orders that
- the next time any of his people saw the creature they were to
- immediately tell him. After some time three men did report a
- sighting, stating that they had come across the beast at the edge
- of a marsh, that it had a long neck and a small, snakelike head
- and that it had retreated into the swamp on its belly. King
- Lewanika immediately visited the spot and states in his official
- minutes that it hed left a track in the reeds 'as large as a
- full-sized wagon would make were its wheels removed.'
- Other evidence comes from widely diversified sources. For
- instance an experienced white hunter named Stephens, who was also
- in charge of a long section of the telegraph line which runs
- along the banks of the Upper Nile, has given a great deal of
- information about a large, swamp-dwelling reptile known to
- several tribes as the LAU. The natives described the beast to
- Stephens in great detail and more than one of them affirmed that
- they had been present at the killing of a LAU. They variously
- described it as being between forty and a hundred feet long, but
- concurred in stating that the body was as big as a donkey, that
- it was dark yellow in color and that it had a vicious, snake-like
- head, with large tentacles or wiry hairs with which it reached
- out to seize its prey. Later a Belgian administrator from the
- Congo asserted that he had seen a LAU several times in a swamp
- and had shot at it. These reports seem to come from all over
- Africa, and not be limited to a single area. There are vast
- areas of Africa which, no doubt, have never seen the foot of man.
- One of the most convincing of the native accounts, however,
- emerged from Northern Rhodesia. The report seemed to describe a
- creature which was more akin to the CHIPEKWE, the flesh eating
- saurian which has been reported elsewhere. An Englishman who
- spent eighteen years on Lake Bengweulu in that country has given
- an account of the slaying of one of the beasts, as it was
- described by a local chief, who heard the account from his
- grandfather. Apparently the tribesmen had killed the creature
- with the hippo spears. It had a smooth, hairless, dark body and
- the head was adorned with a single ivory horn. The story was
- firmly rooted in the local tradition, and the Englishman in
- question believed in the existence of the creature, for he
- reports that a retired local administrator had heard some very
- large animal splashing in a lake at nighttime and had the next
- morning examined large unknown spoors or tracks on the bank.
- Some years ago during the excavation of the Ishtar Gate in
- ancient Babylon by the German professor Robert Koldewey, the
- scientist and his associates brought to light a number of
- startlingly realistic bas-reliefs of a dragonlike creature with
- curiously mixed features. It had a body covered with scales, a
- long tail and neck, the hind feet of a 'bird' although many of
- the early saurians are known to have had three-pronged feet like
- 'birds', the forefeet of a 'lion' and a strange reptilian head
- sporting a single straight, upright horn like that of a
- rhinoceros, wrinkles under its neck, a crest like a modern iguana
- lizard, and a very pronounced, serpentine tongue. Could the real
- or imaginary existence of such a creature have given rise to
- legends of 'horned dragons'? At first this creature was classed
- along with the winged, human-headed bulls and other grotesque
- monsters from Babylonian mythology, but continued research
- gradually forced professor Koldewey to quite a different
- conclusion.
- The creature had the name of the SIRRUSH and the priests
- were said to have held it in a dark cavern in the temple. It was
- depicted on the walls of the Ishtar Gate in great numbers and in
- association with a large, ox-like animal which is now known to
- have been the extinct aurochs and very definitely a real animal.
- When analyzed, except for some considerable Babylonian
- artistic license, the strangely 'mixtured' characteristics of the
- SIRRUSH appeared to be much less incredible than had at first
- been supposed, and in spite of his solid Teutonic background,
- Professor Koldewey became more and more convinced that it was not
- a representation of a mythical creature but an attempt to depict
- a real animal, a beast which had actually been kept alive in
- Babylon in very early days by the priests.
- As one researcher put it, paraphrasing the Professors own
- findings, "...After much searching in the depths of his cautious
- scientific soul, he even made so bold as to state in print that
- this animal was one of the plant-eating, bird-footed dinosaurs,
- many types of which had by that time been reconstructed from
- fossil remains. He further pointed out that such remains were
- not to be found anywhere in or near Mesopotamia and that the
- sirrush could not be a Babylonian attempt to reconstruct the
- animal from fossils. Its characters as shown in Babylonian art
- from the earliest times had not changed, and displayed great
- detail in scales, horns, wrinkles, the crest and the serpentine
- tongue, which, taken together could not all have been just
- thought up after viewing a fossilized skeleton."
- * * *
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